Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How I Became a Top Student In High School

There is an anecdote about how I became a top student in high school. It is some kind of an “accidental hero” kind of story. I did not intend to become an honor student. I was at the top of my class every year since I was in kindergarten up until I graduated valedictorian to around 500 public elementary school pupils in Basak Elementary School, Cebu City. There were around ten to twelve sections for each grade level then and each would comprise an average of 50 pupils with the pilot section to be around 40 learners and the last ones from 50 to 55. I got tired. So when I entered high school, I decided to relax and follow the footsteps of my only elder brother Mark. He left his outstanding pupil status in grade school and went happy go lucky in high school.

My Brother’s Example

Dodong, my salutary address to him, started to depart the top three of his class maybe around grade four or five. He was still in the pilot class or Section 1 of the grade level and maybe in the top ten but it is only the top three who are given ribbons when the school closes at the end of the school year and, definitely, he was out of such contention. When he entered high school, I was in grade five. I saw his example for two years before it was also time for me to enter the secondary level of education.

During a typical school day from Abellana National School, my elder brother would arrive home around 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. when classes were already off at 4:30 p.m. It is either he attended boy scouts assembly, drum and bugle corps practice, practical arts club meetings, played computer games or billiards with friends.

When he arrived, he would play guitar or do many practical arts projects for himself and for his male and female friends or any artistic or creative assignments for himself and for his friends. These include the likes of drawing scenes from stories or lessons they were discussing in class for English, Filipino, Social Studies or any other subjects. In turn, his friends would do for him his assignments and projects which are academic in nature. I don’t know with the studying part but I have not observed him reading his notebooks or books. When he does not fall asleep while doing the non-academic assignments, he falls asleep while playing guitar and singing along to it.

The “Accidental Hero” Incident

When it was also time for me to go to high school, I also wanted to do the things I have never done. Just like my elder brother. I wanted to relax and the do other things which are fun. I was tired of being the best pupil. I wanted to rest and have fun. But it seems my plan to take my studies easy will not push through. Our teachers at University of San Jose – Recoletos warned us that we will surely receive failing grades if we will not study hard. I did not want to flunk. I studied hard so that I will not get failing grades. I studied hard to pass.

As the first days and weeks of high school went on, I was on track my goal of not flunking. I did everything and did my best to see to it that I am as far away as much as possible from failing any subject. After the first quarter period of the school year, my teacher announced to the class that the overall top one student of the whole first year level comes from our section. It was I. I studied hard to pass. And, I ended up being the top student of the class. That was how I become a top student in high school.

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